Indonesian Food Recipes

Indonesian Food Recipes

Welcome to the Indonesian Food Recipes. Indonesian Food Recipes will introduce to you the names of the food of Indonesia. in addition, Indonesian Food Recipes will also give you the recipes of Indonesian food. with Indonesian Food Recipes, I tried to bring Indonesian foods, especially foods from traditional Indonesian recognized by other states.

Indonesia has a variety of cultures and customs. in Indonesia is also divided into several provinces. each province has its own culture and different cuisines. therefore Indonesian Food Recipes will present recipes Indonesia by province.

all this Indonesian Food Recipes blog useful for us all. happy reading and thank you very much for your visiting.

-- Indonesian Food Recipes --

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Abon Cork Fish

abon cork fish indonesian food recipes
throughout Indonesia, many people know what it is abon and how to make it. but abon in a different area each different recipe. for now I want to share the recipe abon cork fish originating from central Kalimantan. The following recipe

- 1 kg of cork fish
- Coconut milk from 1 coconut to taste

- Galangal, lemongrass, coriander, turmeric.
- Bay leaf, nutmeg.
- Garlic, onion, salt, sugar to taste.

How to make
- Fish cleaned, cut in three pieces and boil until cooked.
- All finely pulverized spices, except the bay leaves.
- Prepare the pan to move the fish from the boil, stirring to make it easier.
- Enter the coconut milk, spices, while fish stew into place stirring constantly until slightly dry.
- After a half-dry, the fire diminished.
- Fish should not stop stirring, until lightly golden brown.
- Abon was ready for the meal.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Apang Indonesian Food Recipes
Apang is the cake broke from Manado that very fragrant smell. It was sweet as brown sugar that to be the main ingredient. Wrap the pandanus leaves into mats that give a very nice scent. Apang following recipes from Indonesia.

- 150 g brown sugar, fine comb
- 50 g sugar
- 150 ml of coconut water
- 300 g of rice flour
- 250 ml coconut milk
- large pandan leaves for container

- 100 g flour
- 5 g yeast
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon seasoning spekuk

How to make
- Form of the pandan leaf / width of a container. If no one can use a banana leaf.
- Cook brown sugar, granulated sugar, and coconut water to the boil.
- Lift and filtered. Chill.
- Stir in flour mixture until smooth.
- Allow the dough for 1-2 minutes until slightly fluffy.
- Pour the batter into the container until almost full.
- Steamed in a steamer for 30 minutes until the heat broke.
- Remove and let cool.

For 10 pieces


lempok indonesian food recipes

when i want to start creating articles about this recipe, I felt a little confused. Indonesian food recipes that I would write named lempok. to my knowledge, lempok from west borneo province and has a rounded shape. but there was also food from southern Sumatra named lempok. but has a different shape with lempok west borneo. sorry if I am wrong this time. lempok I want to write is lempok from west borneo.


- 500 grams of grated cassava
- 1/4 young coconut, peeled and shredded
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 100 grams of brown sugar, thin combed
- 100 grams of granulated sugar
- 100 ml of water

How to make

- Stir cassava, grated coconut, salt and form spheres.
- Fill with brown sugar.
- Fry until browned and cooked through.
- Cook sugar and water until the hair.
- Enter lempok and stir until the sugar is dry.

I love indonesian food. thank for you :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Soto Banjar

Soto Banjar indonesian food recipes
Soto Banjar (soup banjo) is a typical tribal Banjar, South Borneo with the main ingredient of chicken and aromatic spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Soto contain chicken that has been disuwir-shredded, with the addition of cakes or boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, and rice cake. The following recipes of Indonesian food.


- 1 whole young chicken
- 2 pieces of boiled potatoes cut into wedges
- 100 grams of soaked Soun
- 3 tbsp fried Onions
- 1 tablespoon garlic fries
- Celery sticks chopped 5
- 4 grains of boiled eggs cut in four parts
- 4 fruit cakes
- 4 tablespoons cooking oil for sauteing
- 1 small chopped Banjar Ketupat
- 1 stick cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons Soy sauce
- 2 pieces Lime
- 1500 ml of water


- 4 pieces of red onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/2 tsp Fennel
- 1/2 tsp Cumin
- 3 cm Ginger
- 2 cm turmeric
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt

How to cook

- Boil chicken with cinnamon and salt until boiling.
- Saute the mashed with cooking oil until fragrant, then insert it into the chicken stew, boil again until the chicken is tender.
- Remove the chicken from the stew and then drain until cool and then shredded.

Ketupat put on the bowl with glass noodles, potatoes, patties, suwiran chicken, eggs, then pour the sauce Soto. Sprinkle fried onions, fried garlic, celery and lemon juice, serve.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Anuve Habre

Anuve habre - Indonesian food recipes

Anuve Habre is a typical food from the land of Papua. This staple food made ​​from fish. The following recipe Anuve Habre from Indonesia. The following recipe for 4 servings.


- Taro leaves taste
- 1 tuna fish, wash, cut into pieces
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 teaspoon tamarind, dissolved in 50ml of water, filtered

how to cook:

- washing taro leaves and steamed until tender.
- set aside
- coat fish with salt and acidic water.
- Let stand for 15 minutes.
- Wrap the fish with Daunt pedestal, and then steamed until cooked.
- Lift.

i love indonesia, i love indonesian food. may be useful.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ayam Betutu

Indonesian Food Recipes Ayam Betutu

Ayam Betutu is the food of pride the people of Bali, Indonesia. Ayam Betutu is a side dish made ​​from chicken or duck that contains the whole seasonings, then roasted in the husk fire. Ayam Betutu used as offerings in religious ceremonies and rituals as well as delicacies and sold. Consumers do not only Bali but also the foreign guests who come to Bali, especially in certain places such as hotels and restaurants. Ayam Betutu not be retained longer. The following recipe.

- 1 whole of chicken
- 100 gr daun singkong muda, direbus hingga lunak, peras, potong-potong
- 5 sdm minyak, untuk menumis
- daun pisang/aluminium foil, untuk pembungkus

- 7 and 5 pieces of red chili pepper
- 5 pecan pieces, toasted
- 10 pieces of red onion
- 1 teaspoons shrimp paste
- 5 pieces of garlic
- 1 tablespoon coriander seeds, toasted
- 1 ½ tablespoons lemon grass, finely sliced
- 2 rounded teaspoon pepper
- 1 tablespoon chopped galangal
- ½ teaspoon nutmeg
- 2 teaspoons turmeric chopped
- 4 lime leaves
- 2 teaspoons minced ginger
- 2 teaspoons chopped kencur
- Salt and sugar to taste

How to Make:
- Stir-fry until fragrant spices and dried. Remove and let cool. Divided into two parts.
- Mix one part seasonings with cassava leaves. Enter the body cavity of chicken, peg holes with a toothpick. Sprinkle remaining seasoning on chicken and below the surface of the skin.
- Wrap in several layers of banana leaves, tie tightly with string. Bake in hot oven to 180 ° C, for 2-3 minutes until cooked.
- Remove, cut into wedges and 3-5 servings ready to be served.

Note: before baking, can also be steamed first ± 45 minutes, then baked for 1 hour.

thank for reading. i love indonesian food.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ayam Taliwang

Ayam Taliwang Indonesian Food Recipes

Ayam Taliwang (Taliwang Chicken) is a typical food of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The following recipes are named Ayam Taliwang Indonesia.

1 whole free-range chicken
100 ml vegetable oil
1 orange juice, take the water

14 dried red chilies
12 red onions
8 cloves of garlic
100 g red tomatoes
2 teaspoons shrimp paste fried
5 cm galingale
25 g of sugar Java
2 teaspoons salt

How to make:
A. Cut the chicken from the center of the chest up towards the neck. Turn the chicken and press it to open.
2. Heat oil, fry the spices until fragrant and cooked. Lift.
3. Sprinkle lemon juice and stir well.
4. Marinate chicken with seasoning until blended.
5. Place on flat baking sheet, bake in hot oven 180 C for 1 hour until cooked. Turn them and basting occasionally seasoning. Lift.
6. Grilled chicken over charcoal embers until slightly dry.
7. Lift.

Serve warm with remaining marinade especially accompanied by "Plecing Kangkung". let's try and good luck. I love food indonesian.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tahu Tek

Tahu tek Indonesian Food Recipes

Tahu tek, authentic food from Surabaya that I like. Surabaya is the capital of East Java province, Indonesia. The following recipes are named tahu tek Indonesia.

- 1/2 tofu, fried and diced
- 1/2 boiled potatoes, sliced
- 1 tablespoon bean sprouts that have been brewed hot water
- 1 duck eggs, scrambled

- 2 tablespoons fried peanuts
- 1 tsp shrimp paste
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1 clove garlic, thinly sliced​​, fried
- Red cayenne pepper to taste
- salt to taste

How to make:
- Puree all ingredients, put enough water
- Arrange all ingredients on the plate, starting from the rice cake, scrambled
- eggs, potatoes, tofu and bean sprouts
- Flush with peanut sauce on top
- Serve with a sprinkling of fried onions and crackers

please try and good luck. I love indonesian food.


Enting-enting Indonesian Food Recipes

Enting-enting is a snack food that came from Salatiga, Central Java. This kind of dry food cake a little hard and nice to relax. The following recipe from the cake enting-enting of Indonesia.

- 400 grams of peanuts that have been peeled skin.
- 250 grams sugar.
- 50 ml of water.
- 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, toasted.

How to Make:
- Prepare a baking pan, spread with oil. Set aside.
- Roast the peanuts until cooked, remove from heat.
- Heat the sugar until melted, pour water, cook until the caramel dissolves, turn off the heat.
- Enter the beans, stir quickly until blended. Pour into the pan, smooth.
- Sprinkle top with sesame seeds, let stand until hardened.
- Cut into wedges and serve.

please try and enjoy enting-enting of Indonesia. I love Indonesian food. good luck.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Karedok Indonesian Food Recipes

Karedok food is typical of the region in Indonesia. food comes from Bandung, West Java. Karedok is simple food. some form of vegetable ingredients in the mix and then doused with peanut sauce. more details Karedok following recipe from Indonesia.

- 100 grams of young beans, cut into 1/2 cm
- 2 cabbage leaves, discarding the bones leaves, thinly sliced
- 100 grams of bean sprouts
- 100 grams of eggplant round, split 4-8
- 100 grams of yam, cut into 1/2 cm
- 100 grams of cucumber, cut, cut into 1/2 cm
- 25 grams of basil leaves
- 50 gram of fried chips

Peanut sauce ingredients:
- 200 gram fried peanuts
- 5 pieces of chili sauce / taste
- 2 red chilies
- 2 teaspoons chopped kencur
- 1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
- 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 150 ml of boiled water

How to Make:
- Mix all ingredients raw vegetables with peanut sauce and stir well.
- Serve with a sprinkling of Emping.

may be useful and good luck. I love Indonesia. I love Indonesian food.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kerak Telor

Kerak Indonesian Food Recipes

Kerak Telor (egg crust) is the native foods of the area of Jakarta (Batavia), Indonesia. These foods usually as a side dish or can also be a snack. The following recipe Kerak Telor from Indonesia.

- 100 g white glutinous rice, washed, soaked (about 2 hours).
- 5 eggs duck
- 5 tablespoons fried onions
- 5 tablespoons serundeng
- 5 pieces chili pepper, thinly sliced
- 5 teaspoons salt
- 2 1 / 2 teaspoon of powder there
- 2 1 / 2 teaspoon granulated sugar
- 5 tablespoons dried shrimp powder

How to make:
- Heat the pan until quite hot.
- Put one tablespoon of glutinous rice that has been soaked, cap and mask approximately 2-3 minutes.
- Open the lid, then give 1 egg, 1 tablespoons onion, 1 tablespoon serundeng, 1 / 2 tablespoons dried shrimp, 1 piece of chili pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 / 2 tsp pepper powder and 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar, stir the average.
- Flatten the side of the frying pan approximately 20 cm in diameter, cover again and cook until fragrant
- Turn the fryer Kerak Telor exposed to flames and the upper surface of fragrant burn.
- 2 servings Kerak Telor ready at present.

may be useful. I love Indonesian food. good luck.


Emping Indonesian Food Recipes

Emping is a kind of snack that is made by crushing the raw material (usually seed melinjo) until smooth and then dried in the sun. Emping are foods derived from banten, but now it extends to central and eastern Java. The following is the recipe of making emping from Indonesia.

- 250 grams melinjo chips, fried
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 tablespoon red pepper finely
- 1 tablespoon garlic finely
- 100 grams of granulated sugar
- 25 grams of brown sugar
- 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon of water acidic
- 50 ml of water

How to make:
- Heat the oil. Saute peppers, onions until fragrant.
- Enter the sugar, salt, acid water, water. Stir until slightly thickened.
- Enter the fried chips. Stir until blended.

hopefully recipes from Indonesia named emping is helpful. I love Indonesian food. hopefully really successfully.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Indonesia is a country that has a variety of sauces. one of them is this seruwit sauce. seruwit is the sauce / foods derived from Lampung, Indonesia. this recipe is perfect for the lovers of chili in the world. please follow this recipe seruwit of Indonesia.

500 grams of tuna
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic, mashed
150 grams kweni mango, cut into thin strips
1 tomato, cut into thin strips
50 ml of hot water

6 eggs red onion
4 pieces of red chili
½ teaspoon shrimp paste that has been fried
1 teaspoon salt
1 tsp sugar

How to make:
- Rub the tuna with lime juice, salt and crushed garlic yabg.
- Let stand for 20 minutes, Grill tuna until cooked, lift, shredded - shredded.
- Mix the mango kweni, tomatoes, and shredded fish tongko, mix well.
- Mix the spices that are mashed with water. Enter into the tuna mixture and stir well.
- Ready to serve.

This recipe for 4 servings seruwit. Please try this recipe Indonesian food. I love Indonesian food. thank you and good luck.


Bangket Indoensian Food Recipes

bangket is a form of Indonesian food cake. many also call it by name durian bangket. This bangket comes from Riau, Indonesia. did not talk much anymore, the following recipe bangket of Riau, Indonesia.

- 500 grams of starch, roasted
- 2 pieces of pandan leaf
- 175 grams of coconut milk 1 / 2 coconut
- 2 pieces of pandan leaf
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 egg white
- 200 grams of powdered sugar
- 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons Esen durian

How to Make:
- Roasted starch with pandan leaves, stirring until dry pandanus leaves. Remove and let cool.
- Boil the coconut milk and pandan, stirring until boiling. Lift then chill.
- Beat eggs and sugar until thick. Enter starch. Stir well and pour the coconut milk. Stir again.
- Roll the dough and then print. Place on a baking sheet is smeared with margarine. Oven until cooked and dry.

The recipe will yield 720 grams of dough. I love Indonesia. I love Indonesian food. please try and good luck.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Burgo Indonesian Food Recipes

Burgo is a typical food Palembang (South Sumatran) . Indonesian food can be for your dessert. or friends to get together with family. The following recipe makes Indonesian food called Burgo.

- 250 grams of rice flour
- 50 grams of corn starch
- 1 tablespoon whiting
- 250 ml boiling water
- 500 ml of plain water
- salt to taste
- 500 ml coconut milk
- 250 grams of fish a cork that has been boiled.
- 3 bay leaves
- fried onion to taste

- 1 / 2 tablespoon coriander
- 2 tablespoons galangal
- 2 tablespoons kencur
- 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
- 1 / 2 tablespoon salt
- 50 grams of grated coconut

How to Make:
- Pour boiling some rice flour with 250 ml of boiling water. Toss well. Add remaining rice flour little by little, and sago, salt, and water and ordinary water whiting. Stir until the dough
- Create a thin layer of omelette mixture, lift and rolled. Cut into pieces and set aside
- Boil spices that have been smoothed with coconut milk with the bay leaves.
- Enter the flesh of fish that has been boiled and mashed. After boiling, lift
- Serve with pieces of omelette Burgo, then doused with fish sauce. Sprinkle fried onions

Burgo This recipe will yield 5 servings. please try Burgo and enjoy it. Thank you. I love Indonesian food. good luck.


Tempoyak Indonesian Food Recipes

Tempoyak is a dish that originated from the fermented durian fruit. this food is authentic Malay cuisine nation. namely the Sumatran (Indonesia) and malaysia. in Indonesia, tempoyak jambi famous in the area. I will present the following recipe from tempoyak jambi. tempoyak that we will create is tempoyak catfish. The following recipe.

- 1 kg of catfish, cleaned, cut into pieces
- 150 gr tempoyak (or Adjusted acid)
- 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
- 3 cm galangal, crushed
- sugar to taste
- grams to taste
- MSG to taste
- 800 ml of water

- 5 pieces of red chilli
- 10 pieces of cayenne pepper (to taste)
- 3 cm turmeric
- 3 cm ginger

How to make:
- Mix the ground spices and other ingredients except the fish, gram, sugar and MSG. cook until boiling.
- Enter the fish, salt, MSG and sugar. cook until fish is cooked.
- Tempoyak Patin Fish is ready at present.

I love food indonesian. good luck.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Rendang Indonesian Food Recipes

hi bloggers. This time I want to write about Indonesian food recipes called Rendang. Rendang is Indonesian food that comes from western Sumatra. Rendang recipe that I write this time about the Beef Rendang. The following recipes are named Indonesian Beef Rendang.

- 1 kg beef, cut into small or according to taste
- 2 liters of coconut milk 3 eggs grated and squeezed coconut old
- 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
- 1 sheet of turmeric leaf
- 5 kaffir lime leaves, tied with turmeric leaves

- 12-20 red chili that has been milled.
- 6 eggs red onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 cm ginger
- 5 cm galangal / laos
- salt to taste

How to Make:

- Marinate beef that has been cut along with herbs that have been smoothed at least 1 hour.
- Cook the coconut milk in a skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the coconut oil from floating on the surface (at least 20 minutes) and set aside.
- Insert the meat with spices and coconut milk as much as 300 cc (until the meat submerged).
- Enter the leaves of turmeric, lime leaves and lemongrass, and cook over medium heat, stirring, stirring until half of the coconut milk evaporates.
- Pour another 100 cc coconut milk and stir in coconut milk until all the water evaporates.
- Continue stirring and add the remaining coconut milk, about 100 cc for all castings.
- Cook until the meat becomes tender (at least 1 ½ hours) and until all water evaporates in the coconut milk and spices rendang so.

may be useful. good luck. I love Indonesian food.


Arsik Indonesian Food Recipes

Arsik Indonesia is one of the foods that come from the north Sumatran province. This is a typical food Arsik Tapanuli area. Arsik usually does away with goldfish. therefore many who call this food Arsik Goldfish. The following recipes are derived from Tapanuli Indonesia, northern Sumatra. namely Arsik.

- 1 carp (700 g), Cut off the bottom from the head to the abdomen.
- 1 / 2 tsp salt.
- 1 orange juice, take the water.
- 5 pieces kecombrang flower, cut lengthwise into 2 parts.
- 350 ml of water.
- 5 stalks lemongrass, white part, crushed.
- 4 pieces kecombrang, roughly mashed.
- 4 pieces kandis acid.
- 6 mangkokan leaves, torn roughly.
- 6 stems chives.
- 5 leaves of basil stems, leaves picked.

- 100 g red pepper.
- 50 g in toasted pecan have.
- 4 cm ginger.
- 4 cm turmeric, grilled.
- 2 cm galangal.
- 10 grains of red onion.
- 2 cloves of garlic.
- 2 teaspoons salt.
- 1 tablespoon andaliman.

How to make:
- Marinate the fish with lime juice and salt. Let stand for 10 minutes. Set aside.
- Stir well kecombrang fruit and water, set aside.
- Stomach contents of fish with 1 / 2 part lemon grass, 1 / 2 part kecombrang fruit, 1 / 2 part mangkokan leaves, and half the spices.
- Cover bottom of the skillet with the remaining lemon grass, flowers kecombrang, mangkokan leaf and seasoning. Place the fish, kandis acid, and pour water kecombrang flowers, add the chives.
- Close, the kdengan low heat until cooked fish and the water runs out. you need to add water to a boil.
- Enter the basil leaves, cook again until all ingredients cooked, remove from heat.
- 3 servings arsik ready to be served.

keep in mind this recipe will yield 3 servings arsik. I hope this article useful. Thank you. I love Indonesia. I love Indonesian food. good luck.

Gulee Itek

gulee itek | indonesian food recipes

Gulee Itek or duck curry is a typical food of the region of Aceh, Indonesia. The following food recipes are Gulee Itek Indonesia.

Special equipment is needed
- Cauldrons

- A duck or serati
- A coconut

- 10 pieces of red onion
- 10 pieces of red chilli
- 20 pieces of pepper
- Second segment of the thumb of ginger
- 2 segment thumbs laos
- 3 seeds cloves
- ½ ounce of coriander
- 2 mace
- ½ teaspoon aniseed
- ½ cup oil
- A little nutmeg
- A little cinnamon
- Few halba / fennel plant similar
- Salt to taste salty

How to Make
- Clean the duck and remove the contents of his stomach, remove the source of odor that is above his ass.
- Duck grilled over charcoal - + 10 minutes to oily and yellowish brass. Cut the duck for the desired.
- Grate coconut milk 2 cups half-made ​​coconut milk - +6 cups coconut milk diluted, ¼ part ground.
- Finely milled all the spices except the onion finely chopped.
- Enter the seasoning spice that has been milled into a place that contains the pieces of duck.
- Add salt, lemon juice and slices of red onion, stir stir briefly. Then insert all the spices and stir by hand until blended. Add the coconut milk.
- Heat oil in a skillet until no smell and then enter the meat that has been stirred earlier and close it tightly shut.
- Boil the water was a bit dry, then insert the thin coconut milk.
- Continue cooking until the meat becomes tender, add the condensed Santal. Stir until slightly thickened sauce over medium heat.
- Serve in a closed bowl.

Please try gulee Itek Indonesian food recipes. I love Indonesia. Good luck.