Indonesian Food Recipes

Indonesian Food Recipes

Welcome to the Indonesian Food Recipes. Indonesian Food Recipes will introduce to you the names of the food of Indonesia. in addition, Indonesian Food Recipes will also give you the recipes of Indonesian food. with Indonesian Food Recipes, I tried to bring Indonesian foods, especially foods from traditional Indonesian recognized by other states.

Indonesia has a variety of cultures and customs. in Indonesia is also divided into several provinces. each province has its own culture and different cuisines. therefore Indonesian Food Recipes will present recipes Indonesia by province.

all this Indonesian Food Recipes blog useful for us all. happy reading and thank you very much for your visiting.

-- Indonesian Food Recipes --

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Abon Cork Fish

abon cork fish indonesian food recipes
throughout Indonesia, many people know what it is abon and how to make it. but abon in a different area each different recipe. for now I want to share the recipe abon cork fish originating from central Kalimantan. The following recipe

- 1 kg of cork fish
- Coconut milk from 1 coconut to taste

- Galangal, lemongrass, coriander, turmeric.
- Bay leaf, nutmeg.
- Garlic, onion, salt, sugar to taste.

How to make
- Fish cleaned, cut in three pieces and boil until cooked.
- All finely pulverized spices, except the bay leaves.
- Prepare the pan to move the fish from the boil, stirring to make it easier.
- Enter the coconut milk, spices, while fish stew into place stirring constantly until slightly dry.
- After a half-dry, the fire diminished.
- Fish should not stop stirring, until lightly golden brown.
- Abon was ready for the meal.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Apang Indonesian Food Recipes
Apang is the cake broke from Manado that very fragrant smell. It was sweet as brown sugar that to be the main ingredient. Wrap the pandanus leaves into mats that give a very nice scent. Apang following recipes from Indonesia.

- 150 g brown sugar, fine comb
- 50 g sugar
- 150 ml of coconut water
- 300 g of rice flour
- 250 ml coconut milk
- large pandan leaves for container

- 100 g flour
- 5 g yeast
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon seasoning spekuk

How to make
- Form of the pandan leaf / width of a container. If no one can use a banana leaf.
- Cook brown sugar, granulated sugar, and coconut water to the boil.
- Lift and filtered. Chill.
- Stir in flour mixture until smooth.
- Allow the dough for 1-2 minutes until slightly fluffy.
- Pour the batter into the container until almost full.
- Steamed in a steamer for 30 minutes until the heat broke.
- Remove and let cool.

For 10 pieces


lempok indonesian food recipes

when i want to start creating articles about this recipe, I felt a little confused. Indonesian food recipes that I would write named lempok. to my knowledge, lempok from west borneo province and has a rounded shape. but there was also food from southern Sumatra named lempok. but has a different shape with lempok west borneo. sorry if I am wrong this time. lempok I want to write is lempok from west borneo.


- 500 grams of grated cassava
- 1/4 young coconut, peeled and shredded
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 100 grams of brown sugar, thin combed
- 100 grams of granulated sugar
- 100 ml of water

How to make

- Stir cassava, grated coconut, salt and form spheres.
- Fill with brown sugar.
- Fry until browned and cooked through.
- Cook sugar and water until the hair.
- Enter lempok and stir until the sugar is dry.

I love indonesian food. thank for you :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Soto Banjar

Soto Banjar indonesian food recipes
Soto Banjar (soup banjo) is a typical tribal Banjar, South Borneo with the main ingredient of chicken and aromatic spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Soto contain chicken that has been disuwir-shredded, with the addition of cakes or boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, and rice cake. The following recipes of Indonesian food.


- 1 whole young chicken
- 2 pieces of boiled potatoes cut into wedges
- 100 grams of soaked Soun
- 3 tbsp fried Onions
- 1 tablespoon garlic fries
- Celery sticks chopped 5
- 4 grains of boiled eggs cut in four parts
- 4 fruit cakes
- 4 tablespoons cooking oil for sauteing
- 1 small chopped Banjar Ketupat
- 1 stick cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons Soy sauce
- 2 pieces Lime
- 1500 ml of water


- 4 pieces of red onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/2 tsp Fennel
- 1/2 tsp Cumin
- 3 cm Ginger
- 2 cm turmeric
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt

How to cook

- Boil chicken with cinnamon and salt until boiling.
- Saute the mashed with cooking oil until fragrant, then insert it into the chicken stew, boil again until the chicken is tender.
- Remove the chicken from the stew and then drain until cool and then shredded.

Ketupat put on the bowl with glass noodles, potatoes, patties, suwiran chicken, eggs, then pour the sauce Soto. Sprinkle fried onions, fried garlic, celery and lemon juice, serve.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Anuve Habre

Anuve habre - Indonesian food recipes

Anuve Habre is a typical food from the land of Papua. This staple food made ​​from fish. The following recipe Anuve Habre from Indonesia. The following recipe for 4 servings.


- Taro leaves taste
- 1 tuna fish, wash, cut into pieces
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 teaspoon tamarind, dissolved in 50ml of water, filtered

how to cook:

- washing taro leaves and steamed until tender.
- set aside
- coat fish with salt and acidic water.
- Let stand for 15 minutes.
- Wrap the fish with Daunt pedestal, and then steamed until cooked.
- Lift.

i love indonesia, i love indonesian food. may be useful.