Indonesian Food Recipes

Indonesian Food Recipes

Welcome to the Indonesian Food Recipes. Indonesian Food Recipes will introduce to you the names of the food of Indonesia. in addition, Indonesian Food Recipes will also give you the recipes of Indonesian food. with Indonesian Food Recipes, I tried to bring Indonesian foods, especially foods from traditional Indonesian recognized by other states.

Indonesia has a variety of cultures and customs. in Indonesia is also divided into several provinces. each province has its own culture and different cuisines. therefore Indonesian Food Recipes will present recipes Indonesia by province.

all this Indonesian Food Recipes blog useful for us all. happy reading and thank you very much for your visiting.

-- Indonesian Food Recipes --

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kerak Telor

Kerak Indonesian Food Recipes

Kerak Telor (egg crust) is the native foods of the area of Jakarta (Batavia), Indonesia. These foods usually as a side dish or can also be a snack. The following recipe Kerak Telor from Indonesia.

- 100 g white glutinous rice, washed, soaked (about 2 hours).
- 5 eggs duck
- 5 tablespoons fried onions
- 5 tablespoons serundeng
- 5 pieces chili pepper, thinly sliced
- 5 teaspoons salt
- 2 1 / 2 teaspoon of powder there
- 2 1 / 2 teaspoon granulated sugar
- 5 tablespoons dried shrimp powder

How to make:
- Heat the pan until quite hot.
- Put one tablespoon of glutinous rice that has been soaked, cap and mask approximately 2-3 minutes.
- Open the lid, then give 1 egg, 1 tablespoons onion, 1 tablespoon serundeng, 1 / 2 tablespoons dried shrimp, 1 piece of chili pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 / 2 tsp pepper powder and 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar, stir the average.
- Flatten the side of the frying pan approximately 20 cm in diameter, cover again and cook until fragrant
- Turn the fryer Kerak Telor exposed to flames and the upper surface of fragrant burn.
- 2 servings Kerak Telor ready at present.

may be useful. I love Indonesian food. good luck.

1 comment:

Alex Irfani said...

hmmmm.... kelihatannya lezat.. :)